Garden Manager
Paul Bartlett – An experienced arboriculturalist, Paul manages the gardens and nursery from day to day, along with being available to answer botanical questions from visitors and guiding tour groups. Paul had been involved with conservation efforts in Georgia (Caucasus) linked with Tbilisi University. Then, in 2022, partly sponsored by Plant Heritage, Paul spent time in Greenland on a pack-raft expedition to study native dwarf shrub birches and to explore the remote Qinngua valley, Greenland’s only natural forest.
Verity Brown – Assistant gardener to Paul Bartlett.
Operations Administrator
Ella Barber – Is an experienced administrator assisting the trustees and is in the office at Stone Lane Gardens on Mondays.
Garden Restoration designers
Annabel Crowley – professional garden and landscape designer, has picked up the baton from Duncan Rice. Duncan was professionally involved with the restoration of the Water Gardens at Stone Lane Gardens, following the original designs drawn up by his friend Kenneth Ashburner.
The Charity is administered by a board of trustees who currently include Anna Imrie, Susie Pope, Debra Witting, Tom Hudson, Richard Cox, Jonathan Hutchinson and David Savage.
Our Volunteers
Stone Lane Gardens is supported by a loyal and enthusiastic band of volunteers who undertake many essential daily tasks such as welcoming visitors, work in the gardens, volunteering in the Tea Room, office administration, publicity, exhibition organisation, event helpers, fundraising and building maintenance. Always in need of more volunteers, examples of roles for which we are currently seeking volunteers include garden assistants, Tea Room helpers and archive coordinators. We welcome new volunteers, and there’s cake! Anyone wishing to join should contact the Garden Manager through our website or by phoning the office.
Local volunteer groups help Paul in the gardens from time to time during the year. These include Sticklepath and Okehampton Conservation Group and Chagford Conservation Group.
Work Experience and part-time gardening
If you are a student with relevant experience and want to increase your knowledge by working with us, please contact us by email. From time to time we welcome applications from professional gardeners with relevant experience who can offer part-time help.