40: State Machine 

About State Machine 

Painted wood with a gloss finish on steel supports 

The objects are positioned in such a way that they can either be thought of as a series of snapshots describing the path of a single object through space, or a representation of a cloud or swarm of objects frozen at a single moment in time. The title State Machine refers to the concept in computer programming where a system (programme) can only be in one pre-defined state at a time. The implied rules of a State Machine, or the simple mathematical rules that describe the flight of a flock of birds are all about communication and connectivity.  

John Elliott 

Price £850 


John Elliott

About John 

I studied Fine Art at Middlesex University graduating in 1998. In 2010 I stopped making work. I began making again in Autumn 2019. I’ve always been interested in works composed of multiple elements or repetition; the explosion of relationships that occurs between those elements and the idea that a sculpture or installation can be a snapshot, a moment frozen in time.  Chance is often an important aspect of my work along with a lay person’s fascination with science. 

